Sunday, March 2, 2008

yesterday just by fluke, pretty much, we bought ourselves our first dog. he's a shiba inu and is only 3 months old. he will only get to be about 20lbs fully grown- perfect size for us and our house and yard. we haven't come up with a name yet.
mr.tibbs is not happy.


Jen said...

So very cute..

Anonymous said...

I love shiba inu's. They remind me a lot of our
little dog - who is an Alaskan Klee Kia.

Julie in NJ

Jennifer said...

What a cutie! Every house needs a dog (or two... we just couldn't stop at one).

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! What a great fluke! :)

Sandy said...

How absolutely adorable! Give that little fellow a scratch behind the ears for me.

Anonymous said...

awwww...he is sooo cute... :)