Friday, February 25, 2005

Blue Bell Blues

O, how I loathe the blue bell. Last year I pulled up what seemed like a ton of them.

Look at all those little buggers!

They're back this year with avengance.

I have found out that if you leave one tiny little bulb, or half of a bulb, or piece of one, or even a teeny-tiny root, they'll grow back. The blue bell is native to Vancouver, and so it is found everywhere. The problem with my garden is that no one had been taking care of it for many, many years. Now that I've discovered that I infact do have a green thumb, I have been trying to re-arrange what's there, and adding plants that I love... like the white Calalily being one. O, it's so pretty! One problem is I can't remember where I planted it... come to think of it... where are my hostas?

The tulips, daffodills, crocus, hyasinths, day lillies, clematis, honeysuckle, and camellia are all coming up now. We've had a beautiful February this year, probably going to break the record for most sunny February... you wouldn't know it right now that this is a rainforest (temperal). Needless to say, no snow on the local mountains. Ah well, all for the best really, I mean, who has time for snowboarding when there's renos to be done!

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