Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Yardwork Weekend

I put 3 coats of Waterlox on this bookcase , in the basement. We have another exchange student staying with us, starting Friday, so we're trying to spruce up the place. We started working on the yard as well, we mowed the lawn, did the edging, and I went at the lawn with a pitch fork and rake. It's in pretty bad shape, with 2 kids, and it's a small yard, it takes a lot of abuse. We've cordoned off a few sections, and seeded and fertilized the whole thing. Hopefully it'll spring back soon. We actually used the Seth's wagon to go to the closest hardware store, to get seed, fertilizer and some plants. It was a nice day, and we're trying to drive less. It's time to get my bike out too, and start riding to work. We're still in post vacation mode, so not too much got done on the house. I need to keep going on the drywalling downstairs, there's still a lot to do. I have to move stuff I've had stored in the room in the basement too, I have the maple top for my new workbench in there. Well, hopefully we'll get more done, between family obligations, we may get something done on Friday, we hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the weather cooperates, I'm hoping to attack our lawn as well. This seems to be the perfect time & I'm sure it will grow back in quickly. I'm impressed- I find it difficult to spend any time in the yard since Atticus was born!