Saturday, July 14, 2007

Concrete Counter stuff arrived

We finally got the stuff to do our concrete countertop, if you're living in Canada, and looking to get some of the Cheng products, there's a place in Quebec called Interstar. They were quick, and with the exchange, only a little more than direct from Cheng. Cheng is having problems sending stuff to Canada, so they recommended using these guys. I made the mould for the counter top last summer, so I have to clean that out, then get the rebar, remesh working. Then I'll go back to the book and re-read everything, and we'll be ready to pour. It'll be nice to have the basement bathroom complete. We may change out the faucet, since we're thinking it won't really suit the counter top. Maybe a small gooseneck will look better. We can use the existing faucet in the powder room.

The stucco removal machine is back, we'll have pics and more soon, we did the bottom half of the back of the house last weekend.

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