Thursday, August 30, 2007

Handrail and the Wall

Here's the handrail so far, well we've finished more, but this is the latest photo. We used 2x4 and 2x2's for the ballusters. The wall is the other issue. We wanted a little privacy, so we built a wall on one side. Well the neighbours aren't crazy about it, and we don't like it the way we thought we would. So we have to redo it, not yet though, we're going to finish everything else first. We didn't get as much done as we hoped during my 2 weeks off, oh well, hopefully it won't take too much longer. We still have to pour the footing at the bottom of the stairs, do the treads for the bottom set of stairs, and finish all the handrails for the stairs. I ran out of lag bolts, so we couldn't finish putting on all the posts. Hopefully this long weekend, we'll get the rest finished.
We still have a lot to do on the house before the rains start (like they ever stop here). We have to finish patching all the siding, patch the holes, and paint the siding where we stripped the stucco. Hopefully the deck dries out enough, that we can get some stain on the deck too. We don't really want the grey look.

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