Sunday, February 10, 2008

Armoire Finished

I finished putting it back together upstairs last week. It took about 10 minutes to take apart, 10 minutes to bring upstairs, and 10 minutes to put it back together.

I putted the shelves together upstairs. They're just rails screwed to the sides, the the rest is brad nailed together. Today I did the rod for the other side. It's an old rod that I cut down, it must have belonged to one of the bedrooms at one time. I didn't bother sanding the rod down, it's got a couple coat of paint on it. I didn't have a 1 1/4" drill bit, so I used a 1" drill bit, and then cut it larger with the jigsaw. It's not perfect, but it's not too bad. Deb is going to paint a macintosh rose on the doors, then we're going to do a few coats of shellac.

There was a gap between the floors from the hallway to the bathroom. We were tired of everything falling in to the gap. I looked through my scrap wood, and found a piece that was almost the right length, it's maybe a 1/4" too short. We're going to have to do a new one anyways, when we tile the floor anyways. I did a 20 degree bevel with the tablesaw, the sanded it all down, and countersunk the screws. I'll do a couple of coats of waterlox, once the kids are in bed. I've been working 6 day weeks for the past 5 weeks, so we haven't been doing as much around the house. Next will be finishing the powder room downstairs.

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