Monday, July 14, 2008


We spent quite a bit of time staining on the weekend. We re-stained the floor and stairs of the deck on Thursday night. It took a long time to dry, I'd say it's just finished drying today. I guess it's because it's a second coat, so it doesn't soak in. We're using Sikkens Cetol SRD, and it's a one coat system, I'd use the Cetol 123 on the handrail if I did it again, it just looks so much better to me. It looks like the colour we were hoping it would be now though. Before staining, we used a wood conditioner, I think I did that on Tuesday night. It's pretty powerful stuff, it took the grey coating right off of the unstained wood, and it looked like paper what was coming off. On Saturday, I stained the fascia boards around the deck, and the railings, it's with the lighter natural stain on the fascia.
On Sunday, I sanded down the fence, just on one side of the fence boards. There was still a lot of tannins even after using the wood prep. We started staining the fence, it was sunny, so we did the north side, moving an umbrella around to keep everything in shade as we put it on. The stain is pretty volatile, so I wore my mask, since I got a headache from the stain the day before. We ran out of stain after almost doing one side of the fence. We're using Sikkens Cetol 123 on the fence, it's a 3 coat system. We used it on the back fence, and it still looks great after 3 years. Probably time to add a coat to it next year, or later in the fall, before the cold, but when the plants have died back.
We should have the fence stained by the end of the week. I was hoping to finish varnishing the beams on the deck, but I couldn't get the energy to sand them, and thought it best not to make dust until all the stain was dry. We should have some more pictures soon.


Anonymous said...

stay away from sikkens. I would advise against using sikkens. it is a product that is hard to work with. you can't put any product over crd. it must be sanded back to bare wood. who wants to have to sand back to bare wood with a stain product?? i do not recommend this product. it's pricey and the finished product streaks, bubbles and take forever to dry. if you aren't happy with the finish, it can't be covered with a solid stain.

Deb said...

thanks, anonymous, but we've used sikkens before and it IS a great product. in our experience, it doesn't streak, doesn't have bubbles (unless of course you shake the can), and dries according to the instructions on the label. we have used sikkens' deck stain and cetol-123 on our deck and fences, and even an outdoor table, and are more than happy with the results which is why we keep using it.