Friday, March 2, 2007

Kensington Bungalow in the Vancouver Sun

The Vancouver Sun has run an article about house blogging, and we're featured. This Old Crack House, One Woman's Cottage Life, Nightmare on Elm St. , Casadecrepit, House in Progress and 1912 Bungalow are mentioned as well. And of course

Some projects of interest if you're coming here from the Sun article:

-Retaining wall

- Shed a little light under the Nook

- Stucco Removal Started

- Painting Siding

- Something showing our fence, I'm actually shocked that we don't have a picture of the final product, since it's been stained for over a year now.

- the kids playhouse

- Basement Built-in

- Basement Floors


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I don't think I've ever seen those photos of your basement, the bathroom tiles are great!

Derek said...

I think the floor tile is similar to what you used on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Wow - that's great. "Visitors from Seattle" :)

Derek said...

Nick, I told the reporter about your blog, I guess she didn't write it down...